The European Commission has published two new studies highlighting the growing importance of EU exports for job opportunities in Europe and beyond. EU exports to other countries around the world are more important than ever. They provide over 36 million jobs across Europe - two-thirds more than their number in 2000, with 14 million of them employed by women. In addition, EU exports to the rest of the world generate € 2.3 billion of added value in the EU.
Since the inauguration of this Commission in 2014, the number of jobs secured by exports has increased by 3.5 million. The pay of these jobs is on average 12% higher than in other business sectors. Commerce Commissioner Cecilia Malmström said: "This study clearly shows that trade means jobs. EU exports to other countries around the world provide the livelihoods of a large and growing number of citizens in every corner of Europe.
Almost 40% of the citizens whose jobs are secured by trade are women. The EU trade sector provides millions of jobs far beyond the borders of the EU, including in developing countries. This is another proof that trade is and can be of benefit to all: what is good for us is good for our partners around the world. "
The report, published 27.11, on EU Trade Policy Day, contains detailed information documents on the results for each EU Member State. Thanks to exports, jobs are revealed and made available throughout the EU, with their number increasing. The highest growth since 2000 is recorded in Bulgaria (+ 312%), Slovakia (+ 213%), Portugal (+ 172%), Lithuania (+ 153%), Estonia (+ 147%), Ireland (+ 147%) and Latvia (+ 138%).
The figures published today highlight the great positive impact of world-wide exports on other areas of the economy. When the activities of EU exporters in a Member State are successful, there are benefits for workers from other Member States as well. The reason is that companies that provide products and services across the supply chain also make profits when their final customer sells the finished product abroad. For example, exports from France to other countries around the world provide around 627,000 jobs in other EU Member States.
Finally, EU exports to countries in other parts of the world provide nearly 20 million jobs outside the EU. Since 2000, the number of these jobs has increased more than twice. For example, more than 1 million jobs in the United States are provided through US goods and service production that are included in EU exports through global supply chains.
The study also looked at the issue of gender equality, noting that jobs of almost 14 million women were secured thanks to trade in the EU.
According to the European Commission, trade policy is a central element of the European Union's Europe 2020 strategy. Given the rapidly changing world economic situation, it is more important than ever to fully understand how trade flows affect employment. This can only be achieved by gathering complete, reliable and comparable information and analysis in order to support fact-based policy-making.
Led by this objective, the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission and its Directorate-General for Trade have worked together on the preparation of a publication which should be a valuable tool for policy-makers and researchers in the area of trade.
As a follow-up to the first edition of 2015, the report included a number of indicators that show a detailed relationship between trade and employment for the EU as a whole and for each of its Member States. The main source of data is the new World Input-Output database for 2016. This information was supplemented by employment data by age, qualifications and gender. All indicators refer to exports from the EU to other countries around the world to reflect the scope of EU trade policy development.