Bulgarian MPs from DPS-Dogan Retain Immunity Amid Heated Parliamentary Debate
Jeyhan Ibryamov, a deputy from "Democracy, Rights and Freedoms - DPS *Dogan)," retained his parliamentary immunity
Bulgarian footballer Dimitar Berbatov reacted critically to the incident involving the use of his image for political campaigning.
Over the past several days, flyers with the Monaco player's photo and the number 29 ticked in a circle have been handed around the southern city of Svilengrad. This is the number on the EU Elections ballot corresponding to the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS), a predominantly ethnic Turkish party.
"My name is well known in the world of football. I represent Monaco, and I also have a charity foundation. These are the things I stand behind. Should I decide to represent any other cause, I will do so in the appropriate manner, by making it public and official. Any other attempt to use my name and image without my approval is an unacceptable and irresponsible act", the former Manchester United player wrote on his Facebook account.
The local office of DPS denied having printed the flyers, but were aware of their existence.
About 1 200 000 "phantom voters" can be found in Bulgarian elections lists, Mihail Konstantinov, formerly a high-profile official in charge of elections, believes.
Bulgaria's Central Electoral Commission (CEC) starts receiving documents for the registration of political parties and coalitions for the early elections on October 5.
A majority in the European Parliament has approved Jean-Claude Juncker to be President of the European Commission, reports BBC.
The European Parliament is expected to approve on Tuesday the nomination of former Luxembourg PM Jean-Claude Juncker as president of the European Commission.
Former Environment Minister Iskra Mihaylova has become the nomination of the European Parliament's ALDE group to chair the Regional Policy Committee.
The European Parliament has re-elected Martin Schulz for a second presidential term, with 409 votes from the 751 MEPs.