Panama Rejects US Claims of Free Canal Passages for Government Vessels
Panama has denied claims made by the US State Department that American government vessels can now transit the Panama Canal without paying fees
Bulgaria's Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has decided to suspend Alex Aleksiev as a registered candidate for the European elections.
The electoral body said Aleksiev, who has lived in the US for years, did not meet the requirements for a 6-month permanent residence in Bulgaria prior to the vote, Mediapool agency has reported.
CEC also removed Tatyana Gribchina's entry in Zelenite's election list, as she presently resides in Moldova.
Although his permanent address is in Sofia, Aleksiev has been registered with current residence in the United States since 2006.
After the decision was announced, he declared he would appeal it, adding that it was rather a "political" move, as those ruling did not feel "at ease" with him as a candidate.
He insisted he has lived in Bulgaria for the last four years.
"There are people for which what I am saying, namely that this government is serving the interests of the Kremlin mafia... is simply not convenient", Aleksiev explained and added he was ready to turn to a European court should his appeal be rejected.
Alex Aleksiev, 73, is an analyst and security expert and the author of many books. He heads the Center for Balkan and Black Sea Studies, a non-profit organization.
He is also the son of the renowned poet and artist Rayko Aleksiev, who was beaten to death in prison in November 1944 after portraying Soviet leader Stalin in a cartoon.
About 1 200 000 "phantom voters" can be found in Bulgarian elections lists, Mihail Konstantinov, formerly a high-profile official in charge of elections, believes.
Bulgaria's Central Electoral Commission (CEC) starts receiving documents for the registration of political parties and coalitions for the early elections on October 5.
A majority in the European Parliament has approved Jean-Claude Juncker to be President of the European Commission, reports BBC.
The European Parliament is expected to approve on Tuesday the nomination of former Luxembourg PM Jean-Claude Juncker as president of the European Commission.
Former Environment Minister Iskra Mihaylova has become the nomination of the European Parliament's ALDE group to chair the Regional Policy Committee.
The European Parliament has re-elected Martin Schulz for a second presidential term, with 409 votes from the 751 MEPs.