Evelin Banev, also known as "Brendo", began serving his six-year prison sentence for money laundering from drug trafficking on Monday, following a 2018 Supreme Court of Cassation decision. Despite being in prison, he is now also under remand custody due to a European Arrest Warrant from Italy and Romania, where he faces additional sentences of 20 and 10 years, respectively. Banev was brought to the Sofia City Court under heightened security measures.
A van of the Judicial Guard and two escort vehicles with sirens transported Banev to and from the former Special Court building, where the request for permanent arrest was considered. Inside the courtroom, which features armored glass, Banev arrived shortly before the session began, again under heavy security. He briefly expressed his objection to his continued detention.
Banev's lawyer, Silvia Naydenova, also objected, expressing surprise that the prosecutor's office sought an arrest for someone already in prison. The prosecutor's office argued that the request was to ensure Banev remained in custody should he be released early, pending court decisions on Italy and Romania's requests to serve their sentences.
In the coming months, there will be parallel legal proceedings: one initiated by Banev to combine his three convictions into a single sentence to be served in Bulgaria, and the other under the Extradition Act and the European Arrest Warrant by Italy and Romania to extradite him. The case for unifying the sentences will begin in two weeks, while today's initiated case will continue.
It was also revealed that "Brendo" entered the country in the spring of 2022. This was revealed by acting Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov during a parliamentary session. Stoyanov addressed parliamentary questions about the case.
He mentioned that the Ministry of Internal Affairs had information related to a plane that traveled through several European countries, made a brief stop at an airport near Vidin for refueling, and then landed in the Targovishte region. This incident occurred when Boyko Rashkov was the Interior Minister, and Stoyanov was the head of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime.
"The two individuals found near the aircraft have been identified. Sufficient evidence has been gathered against them, charges have been filed, and they are reportedly seeking a plea deal. Additionally, an investigation by the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime into a criminal group involved in illegal flights, primarily for smuggling, is ongoing. These two individuals are part of that group," explained Stoyanov, adding that they were detained a month ago.