Parents of children enrolled in compulsory pre-school education will soon have the flexibility to request up to 15 days of absence from kindergarten for family reasons within a school year. This adjustment comes as part of a draft amendment to the Ordinance on preschool education, recently published for public discussion on the Ministry of Education and Culture's website.
Presently, the maximum allowable absence for family reasons in kindergartens stands at 10 days. By extending this limit to 15 days, the Ministry of Education aims to align the requirements for children in compulsory preschool education with those for students.
Previously, an amendment to the Inclusive Education Ordinance, passed last month, granted students the ability to be absent for up to 15 days within a school year, provided a written application from a parent to the class teacher was submitted. This amendment empowered parents to autonomously decide on their children's school absences due to family events, personal commitments, imperative trips, temporary illness, and other valid reasons.
Now, the same opportunity for up to 15 days of absence for family reasons extends to kindergartens. Beyond these allotted days, children enrolled in compulsory kindergarten may still be absent for the duration of school vacations specified for the respective year. Additionally, absences for health or other legitimate reasons can be certified by documentation from a competent authority.