"We Continue the Change" is expected to have a government within the next week. This was announced by the co-chairman of the party Asen Vassilev in the studio of "Awake". However, it has not yet reached the point of having a coalition agreement signed, which could happen by the end of next week, he said.
Vassilev pointed out that the structure of the Council of Ministers is still being clarified. However, the idea is for each of the coalition partners to have a deputy prime minister. He himself will be the WCCs proposal for finance minister.
"I hope to have a text tomorrow by the end of the day that we can discuss with the various party leaders. On Monday or Tuesday to start the process of refining all the texts and moving them to the party bodies to obtain a mandate to sign a coalition agreement," Vassilev added.
Vassilev also commented on the number of ministries. It is not yet clear whether there will be one for state-owned companies. "There are different proposals, the idea is to have one or two more, and some of the ministries are splitting up. One of them is e-government. It will attract structures from different departments ", said the co-chairman of the WCC.
Vassilev also clarified the ministers in the cabinet. "This is still being discussed depending on the structure. It will be more or less proportional to the votes that the parties have in parliament," he said.
The ministries that "We Continue the Change" holds and that they have proposed to lead are those of finance, interior, economy, which they believe have great expert potential.
"There are ministries where our expert potential is smaller, and some of the coalition partners have many more experts in this field," Vassilev explained. He confirmed that Boyko Rashkov will be nominated for interior minister and Nikolay Denkov for education minister.
However, Vassilev did not confirm that Nikolay Sabev and Stefan Yanev were members of the Council of Ministers.
"We are currently structuring a government with a four-year program with the idea that it really needs to make the changes the country needs and escape the political crises," he added, explaining that Bulgaria needs stability.
Vassilev explained why the talks, in which the names are being discussed, are not public. "I do not think it is correct to say that this person is good, and that - not to publicly discuss the strengths and weaknesses," said the co-chair of WCC.