Targeting unlawful selection criteria, methodology, or assignment metrics. These are the most common violations in the preparation and implementation of procurement procedures for projects funded under the 2014-2020 Growth Regions Operational Program. The omissions are mainly allowed in the administrative preparation of the tender documentation, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works announced.
So far, 863 irregularities have been registered for which BGN 22.6 million has been deducted under the program.
559 administrative court proceedings have been filed for the corrections made by the beneficiaries. Up to now, with a court decision in force, the Ministry has completed 131 of them. Seven cases are in favor of the complainant.
Financial corrections for the same violations have been imposed on the Sofia Municipality, the amount deducted to date amounting to about BGN 1.6 million. The Ministry has established irregularities in the municipality's contract with the companies GP Group and PST Group, orders for the repair of Zone 2 - Graf Ignatiev Str. and Zone 4 - St. Alexander Nevski Square. The size of the two orders is over 40 million leva. Fines are appealed in court
The mechanism for imposing financial corrections as a result of established violations aims to prevent the incurring of an unlawful cost. Financial corrections are also the instrument by which a budget omission can be corrected as a result of an error, the regional ministry said.