Five offers from international companies with extensive experience in the sector have been submitted for the concession of Sofia Airport. Currently, the commission conducts the procedure to verify that the applications submitted meet the requirements of the tender procedure. The financial and technical offers of the admitted participants will be open on 9 May 2019 in open session, reported
All project documentation is published on the airport website and is accessible to the public in order to ensure transparency of the process, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) said. The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), assist the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications in conducting the concession tender at Sofia Airport with the implementation of the best world practices.
"We are witnessing the imposition of Bulgaria as an attractive investment destination in the region," said Fabrizio Zarcone, World Bank Permanent Representative for Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, quoted in the report.
The investor, who proposed a combination of the highest annual installment and the best airport development concept, would win. The winner must also pay fixed initial payment of 281 million euros.