After the introduction of the toll system, the state will be able to repair three or four times more roads, and for up to seven years all roads in bad condition can be renovated, Nikolay Nankov, Regional Development Minister, told BTV.
There are currently about 8,000 km of republican roads in poor condition, but with the current financial possibilities, full rehabilitation could be done up to 450 km. per year, explained Nankov. He added that 12,000 km of municipal roads are also being renovated.
After the stop of snowfalls from the beginning of the next week, the holes opened in the winter will start to be repaired.
"For 30 years the way to fix them has been to fill the road holes with a cold mixture after the end of the winter season and again to "blossom" in the autumn-winter conditions," said the minister, adding that from the start of the third Borisov cabinet a more permanent solution has been found according to him and the results will be seen next year.
Nikolay Nankov explained that, besides funds from the system and the budget, money for major road repairs will also be sought from a new road safety fund, which is being created in the EU. In May there was a discussion on this fund and the regional ministry had already filed their applications with the Ministry of Interior, which would use the funds.