The secret government-owned Zuma satellite launched on Sunday by Space X did not reach the expected orbit and collapsed falling into the ocean, according to Reuters, reported on Monday. According to them, the classified satellite has not been able to detach from the second stage of Falcon 9 and as a result has broken or sunk deep into the sea.
BGNews recalls that Zuma is the multi-billion-dollar satellite of the sub-contractor of the US Department of Defense, Nortrop Gruman. It was the corporation that chose to be the operator and producer of the company of Elon Musk. The satellite was fired from the US Air Force base at Cape Canaveral at approximately 20:00 on Sunday (03:00 on Monday, Bulgarian time). Eight minutes later the first stage of the carrier landed successfully in the vertical position of the special landing gear. Ultimately, however, SpaceX's first launch for 2018 was marked by failure.