“Vitinya” Tunnel on “Hemus” Highway leading from Sofia to Varna will be closed today between 11:00 a.m. and 15:00 p.m., said the Road Infrastructure Agency, reported Dnevnik.
Meanwhile an official survey on the installation in the tunnel will be conducted, where cables and daub fell over a passing bus a couple of days ago. The traffic will be transferred to the following routes:
The traffic in direction to Varna will be deflected from „Vitinska reka” (“Vitinya river”) junction, by the 30th Kilometer on the highway on I-1 road from Sofia to Botevgrad and then on I-3 from Botevgrad to Pleven till intersection with II-17 road.
The encircling route continues on II-17 road to “Botevgrad” junction, where the traffic will be directed to “Hemus”.
Travellers to Sofia will be directed to “Hemus” by “Vitinska reka”junction on the 30th Kilometer again.
Road Infrastructure Agency is warning drivers to be careful and to follow the road signs and the instructions of control authorities.