Irina Bokova, Bulgaria’s candidate for Secretary General of the UN, remained fifth after today’s straw poll of the Security Council in New York.
In terms of the absolute number of votes, Bokova maintains the result from the last vote. The two permanent members of the Security Council – the UK and the USA – do not support Bokova. According to the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA), Bokova received 7 votes ‘for’, 5 votes ‘against’ and 3 votes ‘no opinion’.
After this vote, Vuk Jeremic (Serbia) and Srgjan Kerim (Macedonia) are ahead of Bokova. Antonio Guterres (Portugal) ranked first again. He was UN High Commissioner for Refugees until 2015.
The election of the Secretary General of the UN takes place behind closed doors. The 15 members of the Security Council cast a ‘support’ vote, a ‘do not support’ vote or a ‘no opinion’ vote. In order for the candidate to be approved, even a single ‘do not support’ vote must not be cast.
The mandate of the current Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, ends on December 31, 2016.