Six cars on average get stolen in Sofia every day, according to statistics of Bulgaria’s Interior Ministry.
Nearly 1000 cars were stolen in Sofia since the beginning of 2015.
“For the past year and a half, it has been mostly middle-class and low-class vehicles manufactured around 2001-2004 that get stolen. The cars are then taken to a depot where they are dismantled and sold for parts at car graveyards,” said Angel Badankov from the Interior Ministry in an interview for Nova TV.
Vehicle graveyards are registered on behalf of fictitious persons and are actually owned by car thieves, according to experts in the sphere of combating car thefts.
Meanwhile, owners of car graveyards insist that they have nothing to do with the problem and that the stolen car parts are sold online.
They say that Bulgaria should learn from Romania, where vehicle graveyards are closed when police find even one stolen car part.