According to preliminary data of the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB), the Foreign direct investment in Bulgaria for September 2013 amounted to EUR 3.8 M, compared to EUR 70.7 M for September 2012.
Foreign direct investment in Bulgaria for January - September 2013 amounted to EUR 854.4 M (2.1% of GDP), compared to EUR 1664.1 M (4.2% of GDP) for January - September 2012.
The attracted Equity Capital (acquisition/disposal of shares and equities in cash and contributions in kind by non-residents in/from the capital and reserves of Bulgarian enterprises and receipts/payments from/for real estate deals in the country) for January - September 2013 amounted to EUR 618.3 M. It decreased by EUR 18.9 M compared to that attracted in the same period of 2012 (EUR 637.2 M). The receipts from real estate investments of non-residents amounted to EUR 100.7 M, compared to EUR 183.6 M attracted in January - September 2012.
The other capital, net (the change in the net liabilities of the direct investment enterprise to the direct investor on financial loans, suppliers' credits and debt securities) was positive, amounting to EUR 129.4 M in January - September 2013, compared to a positive other capital, net of EUR 897.2 M in January - September 2012.
Based on preliminary data on profit/loss, the Reinvested Earnings (the share of non-residents in the undistributed earnings/ loss of the enterprise) in January 2013 were estimated at EUR 106.6 M, against EUR 129.7 M in the same period of 2012.
By country, the largest direct investments in Bulgaria in January - September 2013 were those of the Netherlands (EUR 578.9 M) and Germany (EUR 93.7 M). The largest net negative flows for the period were towards UK (EUR -73.1 M).
By branch, the largest amounts of investments for January – September 2013 were in Transport, storage and communication (EUR 175.5 M), Wholesale and retail trade and, repair (EUR 173.2 M) and Manufacturing (EUR 137.5 M).
According to preliminary data in January - September 2013 Direct investment abroad increased by EUR 68.9 M, compared to an increase of EUR 139.9 M in January - September 2012.
Direct investment abroad for September 2013 increased by EUR 9.5 M, compared to an increase of EUR 4.7 M in September 2012.