Maxim Behar (left) at the American Jewish Committee annual gathering, photo by M3 Communications Group
The US Secretary of State, John Kerry, has declared the tremendous support of the Obama Administration for the American Jewish Committee, according to leading Bulgarian PR expert, Maxim Behar.
Behar is an official delegate of the annual meeting of the American Jewish Committee in Washington DC.
He says Kerry had been adamant the Obama Administration was a firm supporter of two separate States – Israel and Palestine.
"The American Jewish Committee conferences are becoming a stronger and stronger factor in international policies and order, while the organization is among the top 10 most influential in the world," added Behar.
In addition to Kerry, spectacular speeches have been delivered by the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Czech Republic, Karel Schwarzenberg, of Poland, Radoslaw Sikorski, of Greece, Dimitris Avramopoulos, and Israel's Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, who had fired up the meeting's delegates with her emotional address.
Bulgarian Ambassador in Washington DC, Elena Poptodorova, has held a reception for a small group of delegates and has taken part in an official dinner of the New York Office of the American Jewish Committee in honor of the Bulgarian delegation.
Bulgaria has been mentioned a number of times during discussions as the only country saving its Jews during World War II.
"This historical fact was yet one more reason for us to be proud of what Bulgaria has done and is doing for fellow Jewish people," Behar stressed.
Maxim Behar is a Bulgarian PR and media expert, founder and CEO of one of the leaders on the Bulgarian PR market, M3 Communications Group, Inc. As of January 2012, he is the Chairman of the Czech Republic Office of leading global corporation Hill+Knowlton Strategies. Behar is also the Treasurer and a Member of the Executive Board of the International Communication Consultancy Organization (ICCO), and a member of the Board of the global PR forum in Davos "Communication on Top."