The robbed bank branch is located on a busy strip of Sofia's College Town district. Photo by Bulfoto
Two armed men have robbed at gunpoint a branch of United Bulgarian Bank, OBB, Thursday morning.
The branch is located in Sofia's "Studentski Grad" (College Town) District. The robbers were tall, dressed in black overalls with an "Evrotour" logo and wore black helmets.
They arrived on a motorcycle with the sign Enduro and bust in the bank after an armored truck loaded money in its vault. The men were carrying machine guns, pushed the security guard on the ground and took a bag with BGN 200 000.
In the aftermath police found in the vicinity a wad of bills and assume it fell when the assailants left in a hurry.
The branch is located on the busy "Academician B. Stefanov" boulevard while the crime was committed in broad daylight, around 9 am.
Police are investigating the case and are looking at the security camera tapes in attempt to identify the two perps.