The environment and transportation will be the key areas that EU cohesion funds will address for the poorest member states after 2014.
According to information from the Bulgarian National Radio, the EU's cohesion policy will continue to be focused on growth and jobs, with more EU monies being directed at research and innovation, education, energy efficiency and renewable energy.
"In regions where the GDP is less than 90% of the average for the European Union, the prime targets of investment will be environment and transportation," stated the EU Regional Policy Commissioner Johannes Hahn.
Thursday's press conference referred to the broad framework of policy that the EU intends to take for the next 2014-20 programming period, with exact amounts for different member states and activities to be determined by ongoing negotiations.
The European Commission has nevertheless emphasizes that granting European funds will be ever more dependent on specific results, and not only on spending on the various projects.
The EU executive further revealed it is looking into the opportunity to stimulate regions that are best performing in fulfilling the goals they have set to themselves.
Partnership between different member states will also be stimulated via the option for joint projects.