Five citizens of EU countries other than Bulgaria have enter decided to enter the country's upcoming local elections as runners, it has been revealed.
Even though they do not possess Bulgarian citizenship, they are eligible for municipal council positions, a spokesperson for the Bulgarian Central Electoral Commission has reminded. Two Brits are among the candidates, while the other three are from Poland, Italy and the Netherlands.
A total of 248 citizens of EU countries other than Bulgaria have handed in applications declaring that they are willing to vote on October 23, when the local elections are scheduled, it also has been announced.
On Thursday, the Central Electoral Commission will announce the number of Bulgarians who have declared their preferred voting location outside Bulgaria for the upcoming presidential elections, also scheduled for October 23.
The written requests were automatically sent through the internet site to the respective Bulgarian diplomatic mission abroad. Embassies and Consular Offices are mandated to open a poll section if they receive 100 applications for the same location.