Bulgaria Scores Seven Medals at Biathle World Championship Held in Sofia
Bulgaria grabbed a total of seven medals in the 2011 Biathle World Championships held in Sofia on September 25.
Bulgaria has not become an example of the European Union’s failure to initiate reforms in countries, which have joined not fully prepared for membership, says the only Dutch journalist, living and working here.
“Everybody in Europe knew that Bulgaria – just like Romania – wasn’t ready to join in 2007. So now we have to deal with the consequences. But let’s not forget that countries like Spain, Greece or Portugal were hardly ready either when they joined more than 20 years ago,” Dirk van Harten, correspondent in Bulgaria for Dutch national newspaper Trouw and press agency ANP, said in an interview for Novinite.com.
Asked about the coverage that the latest scandal surrounding Bulgaria's EC nominee Rumiana Jeleva got in the Netherlands, the journalist pointed out that the media treated the subject in a balanced way.
“Most media not only paid attention to Mrs. Jeleva’s poor performance and the fact she refused to answer questions from parliament and to clarify her business interests, but also to the political games surrounding it; to the power play between the different parliamentarian factions,” van Harten said.
In his words the scandal did do the image of Bulgaria much good.
“Sending this woman to Brussels – about whom nobody in this country understood how she’d even become a foreign minister – was a huge mistake. And quite an unnecessary one, judging from the speed with which Mr. Borisov managed to produce a new and far more capable candidate,” van Harten added.
FULL text of the interview READ HERE
Bulgaria grabbed a total of seven medals in the 2011 Biathle World Championships held in Sofia on September 25.
The "temporary closure" of the Bulgarian Commercial Representation at the Bulgarian Embassy in the Hague is going to affect negatively the country's economic relations with the Netherlands.
Bulgaria has not seen yet a boom in the number of international professionals relocating to the country but their number is on the rise.
The Country Chair of Shell Bulgaria, Kamelia Slaveykova, has slammed the changes in the Excise Duties and Tax Warehouses Act as being anti fair competition.
TNT Bulgaria has increased its market share by 5% year-on-year thanks to the economic crisis.
Netherlands Ambassador Karel van Kesteren has evaluated positively the reform efforts of the Bulgarian government of the GERB party, in his interview opening the Dutch Survey of Novinite.
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» Bulgaria Scores Seven Medals at Biathle World Championship Held in Sofia
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