The extreme TV reality show "Fear Factor," where participants compete by overcoming different obstacles, airs on the Bulgarian TV channel "Nova Televizia" (New Television). Photo by Sofia Photo Agency
The TV reality show "Fear Factor" violates clauses of the Bulgarian Radio and Television Act.
The information was reported by the Bulgarian Council fro Electronic Media (SEM) and involves the reality show, which airs in the Bulgarian TV channel "Nova Televizia" (New Television).
A 13-year-old boy from the Danube town of Kozloduy died during a tragic playground incident Monday while imitating the show.
As of now, SEM has declined to confirm sanctions against "Nova Televizia", but states that this has been the very first such incident in Bulgaria.
The SEM leadership has invited the "Nova Televizia" management and the producer of "Fear Factor" to a meeting at the beginning of next week.
The possibility to move "Fear Factor" to the late night program lineup of the TV channel is going to be the main topic of the discussion. SEM has also requested the contracts signed by the participants in the show, which are to be examined at the meeting.