Investment banks will gradually replace the IMF and EBRD as creditors for BG, BG Finance Minister M. Radev upon his return from the EBRD annual meeting.
Investment banks will gradually replace the IMF and EBRD as creditors for BG, BG Finance Minister M. Radev upon his return from the EBRD annual meeting.
Majority Bulbank owner Unicredito Italiano signed an agreement with the International Finance Corporation for the sale of shares equaling 5.3% of Bulbank`s capital and worth EUR 19.
In the next 10 years the expenditures for BG integration with the EU will amount to $ 110-120 B, the analytical report `The Economy of BG and the EU` says. The money will boost the competitive power of Bulgaria to 40% - 45% of the EU level.
The Japan Bank for International Cooperation is ready to contribute to the third loan package under the World Bank FESAL Program for BG. This became clear after a meeting between Finance Minister M.
The European Investment Bank will lend a total of EUR 600 M to BG by the end of 2002 for the implementation of several infrastructure projects, Finance Minister M. Radev said.
NATO report makes a positive assessment of BG performance in seeking accession to the Alliance, announced BG Defense Minister B. Noev at the international conference Globalization and NATO in the 21st C, organized by the Atlantic Club in BG.
An agreement on air and sea transport was signed yesterday by BG Transport Minister Slavinksi and his Yugoslav counterpart Zoran Shami. The lorries of cargo less than 6.
$13 M will be invested in Alkomet AD by the end of this summer. The amount will be used for increasing the quality of the production and reducing its price.
The EU PHARE program is expected to extend EUR 100 M in financial aids to BG in 2001, Malcolm Ross, PHARE Coordinator for the North Central region, said. He took part in the session of the special commission for the region, which is entitled with economic
The first cross-border Euro-region Rousse-Gurgevo was established yesterday on the BG Northern border. Over 200 similar border regions have been operating within the EU for decades.
British experts are expected to study the market here, UK embassy sources announced.The experts are organized by the British chamber of commerce and industry and will visit many companies, some potential for privatization also.
International managers will be hired to run and to prepare for privatization Bulgarian Telecom Company, Privatization agency director Levon Hampartzunyan said today. Authorities failed to sell the telecom to KPN/ OTE consortium last year and now are tryin
Bulgaria is among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS that achieved `noticeable progress` in economic reforms last year, according to the 2000 EBRD`s Annual Report. Noticeable progress was achieved in some of the countries invited to b
Bulgarian Prime Minister Ivan Kostov met today US president Bush in the White House in Washington DC. Couple of hours ago he arrived in the US to a working visit.
Bulgaria, Lithuania, Romania, Latvia and Slovakia will join the EU after 2004.This was said at the EU financial ministers meeting in Malmo.
The court in Sofia denied registration of the National movement `Simeon II`, Teodor Bojinov lawyer of Simeon said. According to Bojinov one of the reasons for the decision is bound with the organization`s statute.
The World Bank is putting together a new project in aid of BG agriculture. The ASAL-2 loan is to be approved by the WB Board of Directors May 29.
The privatization process in BG, the opportunities for investments in various infrastructure projects and for floating credits in support of the balance of payments are the main issues that the BG delegation to the annual meeting of the European Bank for
5 BG parties claimed the orange ballot in the first 3 hours after the registration for participation in the June 17 parliamentary elections at the Central Electoral Commission began. First to submit documents was the Party of the Greens followed by the Un
Deputy Prime Minister Peter Zhotev was blamed as pro Russian today by close to the PM I. Kostov political analysts becuase two US deals delayed.
Secret services files about the spies may remain closed, Constitutional court sources stated. The law all former spies to be disclosed was voted about a month ago and now the highest court is the only one which might stop it.
Bulgaria's Perperikon: A European Counterpart to Peru's Machu Picchu
Bulgarians Among EU's Least Frequent Vacationers, Struggling with Affordability