Letters to the Editor
It is great to see that many Bulgarian people welcome the idea of a peaceful and prosperous Balkans as well as Bulgaria. So many groups in Eastern Europe bring violence and hate to the people of the Balkans such as the Serbs and Croats that true democrati
Here's an idea for a little investigation you could do.
Dear Editor,
Having read the article "Survey Shows Bulgaria Out of Step with EU, Closest to Russia" prompted me to share my experiences regarding Bulgarians and politics as a whole.
The request to serve the sentences of all six detainees has been received by Tripoli and will be acted upon "without hesitation". Under the Repatriation of Prisoners Act it is a matter for the country where sentences are served to decide on the actual sen
Dear Editor,
I am so concerned that there was a conducted EU Survey revealing the above [Bulgaria, Europe's cheapest for Food and Alcohol] without a corresponding and more important Survey on Wage/Pension Packets and general Standard of Living costs in
Dear Editor,
There is a connection, which exists in my mind between the wholesale theft of state assets in the Videnov era and the crumbling state of Bulgaria's schools and hospitals and the treatment of its pensioners today.
A total of eleven gold rings, three bracelets and a pair of ear-rings have been found in a Thracian mound between Bulgaria's villages of Topolchane and Kaloyanovo.
The artifacts were discovered in the tombs of three women by one of Bulgaria's best-known
Dear Editor,
I am writing following a recent trip to Rome with a Bulgarian co-traveller.
I am a supporter of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club and thanks to Mr Berbatov wearing a "You are Not Alone" armband he has made me aware of the plight of the 5 Bulgarian nurses & the Palestinian doctor. For the last 2 weeks I have been trying to raise the
Foreign experts recently warned that a spat between Libya and Bulgaria and a mutual display of signs of hurt national pride are likely to deteriorate the plight of the medics. I think this is absolutely true!
In my view, Albena and Maxim were graduated when they proved themselves as the 2006 World Champions--a title throughout perpetuity. As with post-doctoral studies, I hope they will continue to focus on their creativity and not worry about placement as they
Greetings and goodwill to you,
I just want to commend all the people who voted for Albena and Maxim as the Best Promoters for Bulgaria.
Dear Editor,
I totally agree that Bulgarian beer is as good if not better than a lot of other European slop.
Dear Editor,
I have just read the letter from Ms Almond and I am very disappointed to learn about a person who may have a brain tumour and has been left without proper care and treatment and is relying on friends to assist her.
Dear Editor,
I am an English woman now living in Bulgaria with my husband.
Dear Editor,
I watched the documentary in question on BBC's Panorama.
I am extremely happy that you are again coming into my life. My son Andrew is a Peace Corps worker in Bulgaria and it is nice to read about a country and people he has grown to love.
Dear Bulgarian Friends,
We are a British married couple, currently living in the UK who are embarrassed, appalled and dismayed by the declaration of this British government to restrict the movement of Bulgarian (and Romanian) citizens within the UK from
Wow !!! Thank you guys! This is great! I love the new format! I wish it was more than weekly but keep them coming...
I am looking to relocate to Sofia next year :)
After recently moving to Bulgaria, I am amazed at the overt rudness of many Bulgarians. For example, while awaiting shopping carts at the Metro, several women waited near the entrance for cart arrival.
What a nice surprise to receive The Sofia Weekly in my email box. My husband, Commander Tim McElhannon - US Naval Attache, and I left Sofia over four years ago but are still eager to stay in touch and to know about know what's happening in Bulgaria.
Bulgarians You Should Know About
Bulgaria's Perperikon: A European Counterpart to Peru's Machu Picchu
Bulgarians Among EU's Least Frequent Vacationers, Struggling with Affordability