Novinite Insider » Editorial

Rest in Peace, Dear Dimi

One of the greatest ever personalities of modern Bulgaria is not with us anymore.

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 29, 2011, Friday // 22:11 | Viewed: 3287

Russia's Game of Paper-Scissors-Rock...and Fuel

Bulgaria is in the grip of a new fuel supply crisis.

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 29, 2011, Friday // 15:48 | Viewed: 4157

Bulgaria - Storms in an Oil Cup and the Big Game

On Tuesday, the Bulgarian cabinet of Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, expectedly survived a third no-confidence vote with the help of several renegade MPs and the nationalist Ataka party, despite the latter's laud, recent threats of being in opposition.

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 29, 2011, Friday // 15:11 | Viewed: 5572

Are Lukoil and the Bulgarian Government Having Fun?

The most useless - though undoubtedly headline - piece of news from Bulgaria Wednesday was the temporary shut-down by authorities of largest oil producer in the country, Lukoil Neftochim.

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 27, 2011, Wednesday // 19:02 | Viewed: 2117

A Minute of Silence - But Not for Norway's Democracy

As a Bachelor in Scandinavian Studies, I am far from perceiving Norway as just one of those magical countries of fairytales and welfare.

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 25, 2011, Monday // 18:50 | Viewed: 2034

Bulgaria - 'Overall' Reforms, Meager Results

One day ago, the European Commission published its always hysterically anticipated monitoring report on Bulgaria's judicial reform, the fight against corruption and organized crime.

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 21, 2011, Thursday // 10:12 | Viewed: 2939

Deja Vu with a Twist

Anyone who hasn't got sick and tired of EU calls on Bulgaria to press ahead with corruption and crime combat? I doubt it.

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 20, 2011, Wednesday // 19:54 | Viewed: 2743

A Judicial Counting-Out Rhyme

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 20, 2011, Wednesday // 17:36 | Viewed: 2005

Is Bulgaria Employing Black PR Against Murder Victims?

Over the course of a single week, two dead bodies were discovered in the very downtown of Bulgaria's capital Sofia.

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 19, 2011, Tuesday // 17:51 | Viewed: 2138

When Bulgaria Finally Becomes a Danube Nation...

First of all, its economy will improve enormously.

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 18, 2011, Monday // 15:41 | Viewed: 2423

Bulgaria's Spartan Healthcare Strategy

Investing in stadiums and major sport halls is an excellent idea, since they keep the population healthy, Bulgaria's Finance Minister Simeon Djankov has stated on at least two occasions.

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 15, 2011, Friday // 15:08 | Viewed: 2339

Nine Minutes of Humiliation for Bulgaria

Ever since Prime Minister Boyko Borisov took office, Bulgaria has been the butt of a translation/ interpretation joke.

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 13, 2011, Wednesday // 18:53 | Viewed: 2895

Who in Bulgaria Is Afraid of Confiscation?

Last Friday, the long-delayed and keenly expected bill that would allow for the State to confiscate illegally acquired assets of people under investigation or on trial, but without a conviction, misfired in plenary hall when only 71 Members of Parliament

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 12, 2011, Tuesday // 11:06 | Viewed: 1754

The Turk is Back

Wise books say: when troubles come, climb up high and wait for the storm to pass. This is exactly what Ahmed Dogan did two years ago.

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 8, 2011, Friday // 12:52 | Viewed: 2736

Bad Meets Evil on Bulgaria's Media Market

To slightly misquote Orhan Pamuk, being born in Bulgaria could be bliss, but first you have to survive.

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 6, 2011, Wednesday // 22:18 | Viewed: 3209

East or West, Home Has to Be Best (for Bulgarians)

A Bulgarian saying goes "You are most human when you travel".

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 6, 2011, Wednesday // 17:06 | Viewed: 2267

Is Macedonia the Troll of the Balkans?

What do Alexander the Great, Byzantine Emperor Justinian the Great and medieval Bulgarian ruler Samuil have in common?

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 5, 2011, Tuesday // 15:50 | Viewed: 4894

'No Boyko Borisov Day'? What's the Point in This Society?

An interesting initiative of Bulgarian Facebook users has caught public attention – in just one week 30 000 Bulgarians rallied behind an event entitled "A Day without Boyko Borisov", the Bulgarian Prime Minister.

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 4, 2011, Monday // 12:53 | Viewed: 1900

It's Sink or Swim, Greece, Everyone's Watching

Greece, the cradle of Western civilization, has threatened to bring a string of dependent economies into the grave.

Novinite Insider » Editorial | July 1, 2011, Friday // 11:13 | Viewed: 2569

The Dilemma of the Bulgarian Scientists

"Should I eat this month or should I pay my central heating bill?" is a question that many Bulgarian scientists have probably asked themselves.

Novinite Insider » Editorial | June 30, 2011, Thursday // 12:05 | Viewed: 1656

A Letter by Young Angry Bulgarian Female

Following is my letter to Mr Andrey Raychev, a prominent Bulgarian pollster and businessman, known for his links to the Socialist (formerly Communist) party.

Novinite Insider » Editorial | June 29, 2011, Wednesday // 16:43 | Viewed: 3149
Bulgaria news (Sofia News Agency - is unique with being a real time news provider in English that informs its readers about the latest Bulgarian news. The editorial staff also publishes a daily online newspaper "Sofia Morning News." (Sofia News Agency - and Sofia Morning News publish the latest economic, political and cultural news that take place in Bulgaria. Foreign media analysis on Bulgaria and World News in Brief are also part of the web site and the online newspaper. News Bulgaria