7 977 646 is the Bulgarian population, the last sensus took place last month shows. It is the first one since 8 years.
7 977 646 is the Bulgarian population, the last sensus took place last month shows. It is the first one since 8 years.
National movement Simeon II was declared for registration in the court in Sofia today. The movement is the party launched by the living in exile king Simeon II, who said will participate in the forthcoming general elections.
Five more journalists were ousted today from the Bulgarian National Radio which made the crisis in the media much deeper. More than 300 journalists are protesting for 2 months agiants appointment of a poet as a director of the radio.
A referendum for Kozloduy nuclear plant might take place, Y. Yordanov, plant`s manager said.
Business in Internet 3rd conference, May 11 at Sheraton Sofia will present completely new approach for the state adminstration management, B. Danev, Bulgarian Indistrial Association chairman said at a meeting of the largest in the country on-line business
Compaq and Microsoft will provide joint solutions to the Bulgarian economy on all possible levels, was stated today at a special presentation at Hilton Sofia. MS country manager T.
1190 Bulgarian living abroad arrive this wekend to join the second Business Easter Gathering initiated by PM I. Kostov.
High level US military delegation arrived to visit some plants, which might be of interest to US companies. Delegation is headed by Christopher Maikens, US Atlantic Union chairman and will meet BG high level officials, including Privatization Agency and t
Today is the first day for Bulgarian as they are allowed to travel to the 15 Schengen countries with no visas, but with some financial requirements on a daily base. Foreign minister N.
Balkan airlines might recover domestic flights, company`s press office said. Monday a couple of trial flights tokk place at Sofia airport.
BG will receive EUR 300 M this year under the ?U program ISPA. ISPA provided assistance for big infrastructure sites.
Black Sea Bank will allocate $10.5 M for projects in BG.
Only 16% of GDP for Y 2000 are allocated for investments, Bojidar Danev, chairman of Bulgarian Industrial Association, announced. The reinvestment in the developed countries is not less than 30-32% of the national product.
300 000 German tourists are expected this summer to Bulgaria, M. Assenova, deputy minister of economy announced.
Jerald Schiff was appominted as new head of the IMF mission to Bulgaria. Juha Kahkonen, former in the office takes over mission in Turkey.
Isiklar Holding, major investor in BG and owner of 80.3% of the largest paper producer Celhart decided to start implementation of new marketing strategy looking for new markets, was announced today.
Open doors day was organized on Sunday at the only Bulgarian nuclear plant in Kozloduy. Teachers, physicians, regular citizens fron neghbouring regional center Vratza came to talk to the plant managers.
Bulgarian prime minister I. Kostov will pay visit to the USA in May to meet president J.
Cable & Wireless is to sell its share in the Bulgarian NMT mobile operator Mobikom, Dnevnik Daily announced. John Munnery, local Mobikom manager confirmed.
King Simeon`s party - National Movement Simeon II was officially launched in Sofia on Sunday. 631 founding memebrs voted for the by laws and ruling bodies.
By Y 2005 the number of the mobile-operators` subscribers in BG will exceed 2.8 M.
Bulgaria's Perperikon: A European Counterpart to Peru's Machu Picchu
Bulgarians Among EU's Least Frequent Vacationers, Struggling with Affordability