After a decade of failed transition to political democracy and market economy in the general election 2001 the Bulgarian people showed a red card to the bipartism and the political and economic oligarchy. Since yesterday Bulgaria starts a new way, drawn out by its natural leader Simeon II. The landslide came as a result of a perfect strategy, taking into consideration the spirits and psychology of the Bulgarian people, its pursuit of change. All doubts whether His Majesty was right ignoring the hitherto processes, trends and politicians turned to be unsubstantiated. By new faces the King gives a chance to Bulgaria to renew its political system and to show its new face before the world. Yet everybody should be aware that the win is due to the personality of the King only. Most of all this must be clear to the new politicians. If they are strictly following the directions of the leader of the NMS II for new ethics in politics and honesty in everything they do, they would have the unique chance to become builders of new Bulgaria, to restore its economic power and the institutionalism, lost in the past. King Simeon II is the emanation of the restoration of Bulgarian state. I hope that Bulgarian people values the huge self-sacrifice, made by the King, and will follow his personal example and selflessness. But people expect the other parties' politicians to accept the hand lent by the King, to forget their political partiality and arrogance, placing themselves in service of the people's interests. I believe that His Majesty will make the next step and will head a government, which to correspond to the interests of Bulgaria, to its national integration, prosperity and recognition. The huge win of the King means, that Bulgarian political space is being restructured. The political parties were given a clear sign that their functions are already fading away. The future of Bulgaria is no more determined by party headquarters but by selfless patriots and professionals. Of course, they will not erase the up to now achievements. At the same time people expect the ones to be blamed for the present deplorable economic state of the country to be held judicially responsible for the wrongdoings, committed by them. For their enrichment, for draining of the national wealth and corrupting the national administration. According to me that's the only way the Gordian knot to be cut, an act on which the future success depends. For me personally yesterday happened something, that is bigger than my dreams. I did not directly take part in the last stage of the elections, but for me that's the end of half a decade of efforts.