According to a Eurobarometer survey released by the European Commission, Bulgarians place high value on democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and living standards within the EU. The survey reveals that the majority of Bulgarian respondents (38 percent) highlight the standard of living as the EU's greatest strength. Respect for democracy, human rights, and legality follows closely with 35 percent of respondents. Economic strength and good relations between European countries each received support from about a third of the participants.
In comparison, across the EU as a whole, legality, democracy, and human rights are considered the top strengths by 38 percent of respondents. Economic power ranks second, while good state relations come in third. The standard of living and environmental protection are viewed as lower priorities.
When addressing current challenges, 54 percent of Bulgarians and 50 percent of EU respondents cite the war in Ukraine as the primary concern. There are no significant differences in the perception of other issues such as migration, environmental changes, cost of living, and security. Bulgarians most frequently indicate that security should be the EU’s top priority, with 27 percent selecting this as their main concern. In contrast, EU respondents prioritize environmental changes and migration, each at 33 percent. Both Bulgarians and EU participants list the war in Ukraine as a priority, though less commonly.
Despite concerns over security, more than half of Bulgarians and EU residents remain optimistic about the economy and democracy over the next five years. The survey, conducted in late June and early July, reflects these sentiments and concerns across the region.