The European Commission decided today to open an infringement procedure by sending formal notification letters to Bulgaria and 18 other Member States.
They did not provide complete information on how the revised EU rules on open data and the re-use of public sector information (Directive (EU) 2019/1024) are transposed into national law.
Member States had the obligation to transpose this directive into national law and notify the Commission of the transposition measures by 17 July 2021.
The Open Data and Public Reuse Directive of the Public Sector, adopted on 20 June 2019, aims to unlock the benefits of data and will help to ensure that the huge and valuable set of data resources generated by public authorities be available for re-use.
The directive will stimulate the development of innovative solutions, such as mobile applications, increase transparency by providing access to publicly funded research data and support new technologies, incl. artificial intelligence. /