Prime Minister Boyko Borissov met with Prime Minister of Cape Verde Ulisses Correia e Silva. After the meeting, both announced that the two countries had an interest in cooperation in the field of tourism and education, FOCUS News Agency reported.
Boyko Borisov said Bulgaria has very serious intentions to invest in Cape Verde, especially in the field of tourism. "Cape Verde has a very close relationship with the EU and the EPP. It is a truly democratic country in this part of the world, "the prime minister said.
According to him, with an investment policy in education and economics, migrants from Africa can stay on their continent. "These are over 300 million people who knock on our doors if no action is taken", commented Boyko Borisov. According to him, it would be great if Bulgaria is a mediator between Europe and Cape Verde at the meetings that are coming this year.
Prime Minister Ulisses Correia e Silva said his country is interested in accepting Bulgarian investors in different spheres, especially in tourism. "Cape Verde is preparing to function as a springboard for European countries on the African continent for European business investment," he explained.
"We offer stability, trust and predictability, so the risk to people who decide to invest in our country is very low," said Prime Minister of Cape Verde. He pointed out that investors should not be afraid of their investments because several European countries are already investing in Cape Verde and are making a profit.
The prime minister also stressed the interest of a deep cooperation with Bulgaria in the sphere of education. "There are students from Cape Verde who are studying at the Medical University in Sofia. This is the "human capital", which is the most valuable for the development of our country, "he said.