The interim cabinet reported a budget surplus of BGN 1.6 bln in end-April 2017. This transpires in the detailed interim government work report of interim PM Ognyan Gerdzhikov, Focus News Agency reports.
Mr Gerdzhikov said the Health Ministry and the Bulgarian Medical Association had signed a national framework agreement for 2017. In addition, the Ministry introduced the e-healthcare in the country. “I believe the e-healthcare is better than the fingerprints,” Gerdzhikov said.
Regarding the Ministry of Interior, Gerdzhikov noted the connection of the Ministry with the citizens by residence was restored.
A new service for e-submission of the three most widely used tax declarations was proposed in the Ministry of Finance.
“By 25 April 2017, the Finance Ministry had collected 5.9% more revenues, compared to the same period of 2016. The number of municipalities with financial difficulties also decreased,” Gerdzhikov said.
In the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy over BGN 51M were earmarked for benefits over the Easter holidays and over BGN 220M – for costs related to war invalids and war veterans. The administrative procedure for permanent disability benefits for children was facilitated. The unemployment rate dropped 1.95% at the end of April 2017, compared to the same period of 2016.
Regarding the Ministry of Education and Science, Gerdzhikov pointed out that a project for the National Strategy for the Development of Scientific Research 2017-2030 was published for public discussion.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food approved a list of foods subject to food banking, providing free of charge food for those in need and giving an opportunity for tax-relief to the donors of these products.