Bulgaria Braces for Freezing Temperatures on February 20
On February 20, Bulgaria will experience freezing cold temperatures across the country. In most regions, the lows will range from minus 14°C to minus 8°C
Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (GERB)
Tomislav Donchev
Born: August 6, 1973
Education: Master of Business Administration, Veliko Turnovo University; Master of Philosophy, Veilko Turnovo University. Fluent in English and Russian.
Dr. Andrey Kovatchev
Born: December 13, 1967
Education: Doctor of Natural Sciences, Saarland University, Germany; Master of Biology, Saarland University. Fluent in German, English, French and Spanish
MEP (EPP/GERB) – 2007-2014
Head of the Bulgarian delegation in the EPP in the European Parliament; Vice chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, member of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence, Delegation for relations with the United States; substitute member of the Committee on Regional Development and the Delegation for relations with the countries of Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Mariya Gabriel
Born: May 20, 1979
Education: Master of Comparative Politics and International Relations, Institute of Political Sciences of Bordeaux, France; Bachelor of Bulgarian and French, Plovdiv University. Fluent in English, Russian and French
MEP (EPP/GERB) – 2007-2014
Member of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, Committee on Petitions and the Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly; substitute member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality and the Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee.
Vladimir Urutchev
Born: October 1, 1954
Education: Master Engineer of Energy and Physics, Moscow Energy Institute. Fluent in Russian and English.
Vice-Chair of the Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China; member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy; substitute member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Delegation to the EU-Armenia, EU-Azerbaijan and EU-Georgia Parliamentary Cooperation Committees.
Eva Paunova
Born: January 26, 1986
Education: Bachelor of International Relations and Business Administration, American University John Cabot, Rome, Italy. Postgraduate specialisation in leadership, Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Fluent in English, Italian and French.
Emil Radev
Born: May 26, 1971
Education: Master of Law, University of Economics, Varna; Master of Public Administration, Varna Free University. Fluent in German, Russian and English
Coalition for Bulgaria (BSP)
Momchil Nekov
Born: March 13, 1986
Education: Master of International Economic Relations, University of National and World Economy, Sofia. Currently pursues a doctoral degree in the Department of Philosophy in the Sofia University.
Sergei Stanishev
Born: May 5, 1966
Education: Doctor of History, Moscow State University. Has a specialization in international relations in the London School of Economics and the Moscow School of Political Studies. Speaks Russian and English.
Iliana Iotova
Born: October 24, 1964
Education: Masters degree in Bulgarian and French Philology, Sofia University; Masters degree from Ecole nationale d'administration, Strasbourg, France. Fluent in French and Russian.
MEP (BSP-PES) 2007-2014
Georgi Pirinski
Born: September 10, 1948
Education: Higher Institute of Economy Karl Marx (current University of National and World Economy), Sofia. Fluent in English, Russian and French
Peter Kouroumbashev *
Born: January 28, 1968
Education: Technical University, Sofia
* Kouruoumbashev is expected to take the seat of Sergei Stanishev who said he would not become an MEP, but is yet to resign.
Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS)
Filiz Hyusmenova
Born: June 10, 1966
Education: Bachelor and Master's degree in French and Russian philology from the Veliko Turnovo University. Fluent in French, Russian and Turkish
Vice-Chair of the Committee on Regional Development; member of the Delegation to the EU-Armenia, EU-Azerbaijan and EU-Georgia Parliamentary Cooperation Committees, Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly; substitute member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality and the Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China.
Nedzhmi Ali
Born: July 16, 1972
Education: Masters in Business Administration, University of National and World Economy, Sofia. Fluent in English, Russian and Turkish
Ilhan Kuchuk
Born: September 16, 1985
Education: Degrees in political sciences and law from the Veliko Turnovo University. Fluent in English, Russian and Turkish
Iskra Mihailova
Born: September 7, 1957
Education: Degree in library science from the Leningrad Institute of Culture, Russia. Fluent in English and Russian.
Bulgaria Without Censure (BWC)
Nikolai Barekov
Born: October 16, 1972
Education: Has degrees in Bulgarian philology and television journalism.
Angel Dzhambazki
Born: March 21, 1979
Education: Studied law in the Sofia University. Fluent in English, German and Russian.
Reformist Block
Svetoslav Malinov
Born: January 19, 1968
Education: Master's degree in political science from the Sofia University. Various specialisations in political science. PhD in political science. Author of the first translations into Bulgarian of classic political philosophy works by Francis Bacon, John Locke, Edmund Burke, John Stuart Mill, Hannah Arendt and others.
Member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the Delegation for relations with the Arab Peninsula; substitute member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.
About 1 200 000 "phantom voters" can be found in Bulgarian elections lists, Mihail Konstantinov, formerly a high-profile official in charge of elections, believes.
Bulgaria's Central Electoral Commission (CEC) starts receiving documents for the registration of political parties and coalitions for the early elections on October 5.
A majority in the European Parliament has approved Jean-Claude Juncker to be President of the European Commission, reports BBC.
The European Parliament is expected to approve on Tuesday the nomination of former Luxembourg PM Jean-Claude Juncker as president of the European Commission.
Former Environment Minister Iskra Mihaylova has become the nomination of the European Parliament's ALDE group to chair the Regional Policy Committee.
The European Parliament has re-elected Martin Schulz for a second presidential term, with 409 votes from the 751 MEPs.