European Elections 2014

The New 17 Bulgarian Members of the European Parliament

Politics » EUROPEAN ELECTIONS | Author: Hristina Dimitrova |June 2, 2014, Monday // 16:05
Bulgaria: The New 17 Bulgarian Members of the European Parliament Photo:

Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (GERB)

Tomislav Donchev

Born: August 6, 1973

Education: Master of Business Administration, Veliko Turnovo University; Master of Philosophy, Veilko Turnovo University. Fluent in English and Russian.


  • MP (GERB) in 42-d National Assembly; member of Regional Policies and Local Governance Committee and European Matters and Funds Control Committee
  • Minister of EU Funds Management, (2010-2013)
  • Mayor of Gabrovo (2007-2010)
  • Program Director of Open Society Institute, Sofia


Dr. Andrey Kovatchev

Born: December 13, 1967

Education: Doctor of Natural Sciences, Saarland University, Germany; Master of Biology, Saarland University. Fluent in German, English, French and Spanish


MEP (EPP/GERB) – 2007-2014

Head of the Bulgarian delegation in the EPP in the European Parliament; Vice chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, member of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence, Delegation for relations with the United States; substitute member of the Committee on Regional Development and the Delegation for relations with the countries of Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).


Mariya Gabriel

Born: May 20, 1979

Education: Master of Comparative Politics and International Relations, Institute of Political Sciences of Bordeaux, France; Bachelor of Bulgarian and French, Plovdiv University. Fluent in  English, Russian and French


MEP (EPP/GERB) – 2007-2014

Member of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, Committee on Petitions and the Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly; substitute member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality and the Delegation to the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee.


Vladimir Urutchev

Born: October 1, 1954

Education: Master Engineer of Energy and Physics, Moscow Energy Institute. Fluent in Russian and English.


  • MEP (EPP/GERB) – 2007-2014

Vice-Chair of the Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China; member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy; substitute member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Delegation to the EU-Armenia, EU-Azerbaijan and EU-Georgia Parliamentary Cooperation Committees.

  • Chief engineer of Units 1-4, Kozlodui NPP


Eva Paunova

Born: January 26, 1986

Education: Bachelor of International Relations and Business Administration, American University John Cabot, Rome, Italy. Postgraduate specialisation in leadership, Harvard Kennedy School of Government. Fluent in English, Italian and French.


  • Coordinator of the EPP/GERB delegation in the European Parliament and senior advisor - coordinates policy initiatives between GERB’s headquarters in Sofia and the GERB delegation in the European Parliament.
  • Co-manages the party’s relations with the European People’s Party (EPP).
  • Served as Policy Advisor in the European Parliament to former MEP Iliana Ivanova from October 2009 until December 2012.
  • Worked at the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) in the Global Monitoring and Evaluation Unit at the headquarters in Rome, Italy and at the Asia-Pacific Regional Centre in Sydney, Australia.
  • One of the first representatives of Bulgaria in the European Youth Parliament and Model United Nations


Emil Radev

Born: May 26, 1971

Education: Master of Law, University of Economics, Varna; Master of Public Administration, Varna Free University. Fluent in German, Russian and English


  • MP in 42-d and 41-st National Assembly; Member of the Legal Committee in the current Parliament, member of the Anti-Corruption and Conflict of Interests Committees
  • Member of the Varna college of barristers
  • Former city councillor, Varna


Coalition for Bulgaria (BSP)

Momchil Nekov

Born: March 13, 1986

Education: Master of International Economic Relations, University of National and World Economy, Sofia. Currently pursues a doctoral degree in the Department of Philosophy in the Sofia University.


  • Works in the State Commission for Personal Data Protection
  • Author of two books: “4X4 – BSP after 1989” and “In First Person” - an analysis of the organizational development of the Bulgarian parties after 1989.


Sergei Stanishev

Born: May 5, 1966

Education: Doctor of History, Moscow State University. Has a specialization in international relations in the London School of Economics and the Moscow School of Political Studies. Speaks Russian and English.


  • Leader of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (since 2000)
  • President of the Party of European Socialists
  • Prime Minister of Bulgaria (2005-2009)
  • MP in the 39, 40, 41 and 42 National Assembly
  • Author of the book “Because we are socialists.”


Iliana Iotova

Born: October 24, 1964

Education: Masters degree in Bulgarian and French Philology, Sofia University; Masters degree from Ecole nationale d'administration, Strasbourg, France. Fluent in French and Russian.


MEP (BSP-PES) 2007-2014

  • Vice-Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Moldova Parliamentary Cooperation Committee; Member of the Committee on Fisheries, Committee on Petitions,  Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly; substitute member of the  Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union.
  • MP in the 40-th National Assembly
  • Member of the BSP executive bureau


Georgi Pirinski

Born: September 10, 1948

Education: Higher Institute of Economy Karl Marx (current University of National and World Economy), Sofia. Fluent in English, Russian and French


  • MP in all National Assemblies between 1990 and 2009
  • Deputy prime minister in two governments 1989-1990
  • Foreign minister 1994-1996Active BSP functionary
  • Active member of the former Bulgarian Communist Party


Peter Kouroumbashev *

Born: January 28, 1968

Education: Technical University, Sofia


  • Elected as MP in the current National Assembly. Resigned in the end of April 2014.
  • Former City Councillor in Sofia
  • Former student activist in the early 1990's.


* Kouruoumbashev is expected to take the seat of Sergei Stanishev who said he would not become an MEP, but is yet to resign.



Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS)

Filiz Hyusmenova

Born: June 10, 1966

Education: Bachelor and Master's degree in French and Russian philology from the Veliko Turnovo University. Fluent in French, Russian and Turkish


  • MEP (DPS-ALDE) 2007–2014

Vice-Chair of the Committee on Regional Development; member of the  Delegation to the EU-Armenia, EU-Azerbaijan and EU-Georgia Parliamentary Cooperation Committees, Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly; substitute member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs,  Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality and the Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China.

  • Deputy mayor of the municipality of Silistra (1999-2001).
  • Deputy regional governor of Silistra (2001-2003).
  • MP in the 40th National Assembly for the MRF parliamentary group (2005-2007).
  • Minister without portfolio in the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria (2003-2005).


Nedzhmi Ali

Born: July 16, 1972

Education: Masters in Business Administration, University of National and World Economy, Sofia. Fluent in English, Russian and Turkish


  • Deputy minister of defense since 2013
  • MP in the 40-th and 41-st National Assemblies
  • Member of the NATO parliamentary assembly (2011-2013)
  • MEP (2006-2007).
  • Deputy minister of defense (2003-2005)


Ilhan Kuchuk

Born: September 16, 1985

Education: Degrees in political sciences and law from the Veliko Turnovo University. Fluent in English, Russian and Turkish


  • Chairperson of the youth organization of DPS
  • Active party functionary




Iskra Mihailova

Born: September 7, 1957

Education: Degree in library science from the Leningrad Institute of Culture, Russia. Fluent in English and Russian.


  • Current Minister of Environment and Waters
  • MP in the 41-st National Assembly
  • Deputy minister of regional development and public works (2005-2009)



Bulgaria Without Censure (BWC)

Nikolai Barekov

Born: October 16, 1972

Education: Has degrees in Bulgarian philology and television journalism.


  • Host of the breakfast show of the bTV national channel (2003-2010)
  • Head of the news department of TV7
  • Executive director of TV7, News7 and Super7 (2010-2013)


Angel Dzhambazki

Born: March 21, 1979

Education: Studied law in the Sofia University. Fluent in English, German and Russian.


  • Deputy chairperson of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO).
  • City Councillor in Sofia since 2007.


Reformist Block

Svetoslav Malinov

Born: January 19, 1968

Education: Master's degree in political science from the Sofia University. Various specialisations in political science. PhD in political science. Author of the first translations into Bulgarian of classic political philosophy works by Francis Bacon, John Locke, Edmund Burke, John Stuart Mill, Hannah Arendt and others.


  • MEP (Blue Coalition - EPP) 2007-2014

Member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the   Delegation for relations with the Arab Peninsula; substitute member of the  Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.

  • MP in the 40-th National Assembly
  • Vice-President of Democrats for a Strong Bulgaria (since 2011).
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Tags: European parliament, MEP, Bulgaria

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