Kosovo Election Results: Albin Kurti’s Coalition Set to Lead Despite No Majority
Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti, leading the Self-Determination Movement (Vetevendosje), has secured a victory in the country's recent parliamentary election.
Bulgaria’s center-right GERB party MEP candidate Tomislav Donchev has invited socialist MEP candidate Sergei Stanishev to a political debate within the current election campaign.
"The leaders of the two major parties in Bulgaria have not yet entered into a direct debate which will inform voters of our main ideas in terms of the governing philosophies of Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (GERB) and the European People’s Party on the one hand, and Bulgaria’s Socialist Party (BSP) and the Party of the European Socialists (PES) on the other,” Donchev has said in an open letter to Sergei Stanishev, Bulgarian Dnevnik reports.
"I am certain that voters will be able to make an informed choice only after we, the candidates for the European Parliament, speak openly of our main priorities and policies which we will follow as we take our seats in Brussels and Strasbourg, " Donchev added.
Meanwhile, Sergei Stanishev said he was positive that the results on the upcoming EP elections will not lead to early parliamentary elections.
When asked whether he was a more successful Prime Minister than the current PM Plamen Oresharski, Stanishev told Bulgarian private TV station BTv that it was not a matter of competition and that he admired Oresharski “for doing his job during harder times”.
About 1 200 000 "phantom voters" can be found in Bulgarian elections lists, Mihail Konstantinov, formerly a high-profile official in charge of elections, believes.
Bulgaria's Central Electoral Commission (CEC) starts receiving documents for the registration of political parties and coalitions for the early elections on October 5.
A majority in the European Parliament has approved Jean-Claude Juncker to be President of the European Commission, reports BBC.
The European Parliament is expected to approve on Tuesday the nomination of former Luxembourg PM Jean-Claude Juncker as president of the European Commission.
Former Environment Minister Iskra Mihaylova has become the nomination of the European Parliament's ALDE group to chair the Regional Policy Committee.
The European Parliament has re-elected Martin Schulz for a second presidential term, with 409 votes from the 751 MEPs.