Expats.bg will be a new web platform to serve expats, visitors, and friends of Bulgaria.
The Publishing Team of Expats.bg, a special online platform for all expatriates, visitors, and friends of Bulgaria, kindly invites all members of the expat community to apply to become USER MODERATORS of Expats.bg!
If YOU would like to become involved with Expats.bg, a special online platform for expats, thus contributing to the life of the expat community in Bulgaria, you are kindly invited to apply to become one of the volunteer USER MODERATORS of Expats.bg by using the application form.
As a user moderator, you will be authorized to moderate the Forum, Wikis, Classifieds, News, and Views sections of the Expats.bg web portal in order to make sure that Expats.bg succeeds in making easier, better, and more interesting the life of a vibrant expat community in Bulgaria!
Moderators will be asked to observe the posts at the Expats.bg Forum and apply the Forum rules, authorize new Wikis for Expats in Bulgaria, and the editing of wiki articles, as well as authorize the publication of classified ads, expat community news stories, and expat views (i.e. opinion articles).
If YOU would like to make a difference in the life of the expat community in Bulgaria, becoming a USER MODERATOR of Expats.bg is a great chance for you!
In order to apply to become one of the USER MODERATORS of Expats.bg, please send us a CV and a brief letter stating your motivation for become a moderator, and sharing some of your expat experience in Bulgaria with us at our email address HERE.
The Publishing Team of Expats.bg hopes that you will enjoy the web portal for expatriates, visitors, and friends of Bulgaria!
Publishing Team