Two missing people were found dead within two days, leaving Bulgaria petrified.
On Thursday, police found the dead body of 17-year-old Miroslava Nikolova.
The girl, who had gone missing two months ago, was found to have been strangled.
The ransom kidnapping stirred an explosion of media coverage after Prime Minister Boyko Borisov urged the relatives of the teenage victim to apologize to the police for criticizing their work.
Borisov went on to instruct Interior Minister Tsvetanov to spare some money from his next salary to buy three or four veal steaks for the police dog in reward for the excellent job and to also award its handler.
While Borisov was issuing his distorted orders, one of the suspects arrested for the murder committed suicide during a police search of his home.
The ensuing scandal forced the Prime Minister to apologize for his remarks, which he said had been subjected to false, out-of-context interpretations, and to admit that the suicide of the suspect revealed a grave mistake on the part of the police.
Just as Borisov was apologizing for asking the family of a murder victim apologize to the authorities, the same scenario played out all over again, this time without the dog.
Borisov advised the son of 43-year-old Doremi Dzhorleva, a tax official in the northwestern Bulgarian town of Vratsa, whose remains were found Friday morning after she had been missing for a week , to also offer an apology to the officials of the Interior Ministry for his undeserved condemnatory comments.
There are a number of ways to approach the unfolding situation.
If we leave aside grief and despair and we go for anger, we cannot help noting that it is patently absurd to ask the relatives of murder victims, or any other citizen, to apologize to the authorities.
Although the very meaning of the word "apology" got worn out by overuse in the past two days, there is an apt apology in the case.
The apology should be offered to the Prime Minister and to the Interior Minister.
We are sorry!
We are sorry that you were given the chance to rise to power because you obviously cannot command public trust.
We are also sorry that we are tolerating this and we are failing to unite behind a call for long-deserved resignations.
If things stay the same, then we probably deserve each other.